Are your kids a bundle of non-stop energy? Do you dread the thought of a family photo shoot because you fear they won't sit still for a second? Look no further than this golden hour family session for the inspiration you need to plan that shoot now! You don't need perfectly posed kids to get fantastic family photos. In fact, some of the best shots come from the wild and wiggly moments that make your family uniquely yours.

I recently had the pleasure of photographing the Frey’s, and let me tell you, these kids were wiiiiiiild. But that didn't deter us one bit. We embraced the chaos and had a blast, all while capturing some truly memorable moments.

Our shoot was set against the stunning backdrop of San Diego's natural beauty. The warm, soft light of the setting sun added a magical touch to our pictures. But what really made these photos special was the authenticity of the family's interactions.

Sure, we got a few shots with everyone looking directly at the camera, smiling their biggest smiles, but those weren't the ones that truly captured the essence of this family. Instead, we encouraged the kids to be themselves. We let them run, jump, and play. We let them be the wiggly crazies that they naturally are.

And you know what? Those were the moments when their personalities shone the brightest. We captured the laughter, the silliness, and the genuine connections between family members. These are the moments that you'll cherish forever, not the stiff, posed ones.

Now, you might be thinking, "But our kids are wiggly 24/7! Will this work for us?" Absolutely! Whether it's an in-home family session, a studio shoot, or an outdoor adventure like ours, the key is to embrace the chaos and let kids be kids. I'll find the stillness in the midst of the mayhem and use it to create beautiful, authentic photos that tell your family's unique story.

Parents, I know it can be nerve-wracking to trust that we'll get incredible pictures when your little ones are acting like wild tornadoes. But I promise you, those wild moments are what make your family special. And capturing them is my specialty.

So, don't let the fear of wiggly crazies hold you back from preserving your family's memories. Let's embrace the chaos together, like we did at this golden hour family session, and let’s create some unforgettable photos.  Book a session now and let me capture the real, beautiful, and wild essence of your family. Because when it comes to family photos, it's not about perfection; it's about authenticity.

loved ones sit together on rock during golden hour family session
parents walk holding hands with children during golden hour family session
siblings put arms around each other during golden hour family session
mom and dad hug kids during golden hour family session
siblings stand close during golden hour family session
young girl dances in sunshine during golden hour family session
girl grins and dances around during golden hour family session
boy grins standing on path by San Diego photographer
daughter smiles with hands clasped by San Diego photographer
kids cuddle together on rock by San Diego photographer
kids laugh with parents on a rock by San Diego photographer
couple hugs one another as sun sets behind them by San Diego photographer
dad plays with kids by San Diego photographer
boy jumps off rock and dances by San Diego photographer
parents gather children together by Danielle Miranda Photography
girl plays in field and picks grass by Danielle Miranda Photography
young girl smiles looking at ground by Danielle Miranda Photography
children climb all over their father by Danielle Miranda Photography
siblings play and dance during sunset by Danielle Miranda Photography
siblings stand with arms around each other facing the sunset by Danielle Miranda Photography
boy laughs as sun sets behind him by Danielle Miranda Photography